Results of the scientific sessions in Oxford ICIS 2012

Prizes were awarded at ICIS 2012 for the winning scientific posters and oral presentations.
Dr. Katrijn Michielsen was awarded first prize for her oral presentation “Whole body diffusion-weighted MRI for non-invasive staging in patients with ovarian cancer”, with second prize going to Dr. Balaji Ganeshan (“CT markers of angiogenesis and proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer”), and joint third prize to Dr. Maria Ganten (“The role of perfusion effects in monitoring of chemoradiotherapy of rectal carcinoma using diffusion-weighted imaging”) and Dr. Monika Uhrig (“Therapy response monitoring by iodine uptake quantification with dual energy CT in patients with melanoma”).
For the posters, first prize was awarded to Dr. Jyoti Parikh (“Can MRI texture analysis provide an early response assessment ot neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer?”) with second prize to Dr. Steve Colley (“Incidental thyroid nodules: a cost-based analysis of follow-up strategies”) and third prize to Dr. C. Smith (“Mesenteric panniculitis: does it matter?”).
Pictured, receiving their prize and certificate during the course dinner, Dr. Balaji Ganeshan and Dr. Monika Uhrig.